Tuesday, 23 December 2008


So here's the update.

Quick recap: we were asked to collect 100 photos of anything, which we did, and we were then tasked with organising and categorising the photos of others, which we did. It was then left to the remainder of the class to assess our body of photographs and write a word that best describes our collection as a whole. Mine included words such as travel, journey, dark, trains, bananas. Not bananas. I just wanted to say it.
We were then put into small groups with those like minded individuals who had photographed themes of a similar nature, and to come up with, as a group, a more focused group identity and research that we could take forward. We all had themes of journeys and maps and plotting, so we brain stormed ideas such as mapping items and things that wouldn't normally be mapped, in unexpected places and the such. All was going well. Then i got the flu.
Not man-flu, proper bed from dusk till dawn dying in my sleep if i got any flu. Don't believe me? Neither did The Wife. Then she got it too.

The next time i appeared was the final day of the year, and the group had moved the project forward and was on the final day of working.
This is what i can gather happened in the interim period...

Through mass discussion in the group, a question was identfied as to why people can't get into college on time. Through research involving questionaires, looking at registers and surveys posed the question of motivation - why don't people come into college on time, and what would encourage them to do so? What incentive would motivate someone to come in half an hour early to college. Among the "public humiliation" and "severe beatings" for latecomers were incentives to be early as opposed to punishments for being late. Much of the questionaires filled showed a distinct lack of care for promptness to class and an almost willingness to receive some form of forfeit if late. Will Asken (from my group) noted that he a more thorough questionaire across a larger audience would provide more acurate and specific research if we were to do this over.

The one issue that was raise numerous times in surveys was that of food and specifically breakfast, so the idea came, would people make it in if breakfast was on the table? (literally and metaphorically) So the plan was to put on a spread of breakfast at a small cost to us to see how many people would turn up earlier. So fliers went up and people were told in the hope of bringing pogs through the door...

And this, actually, is where i came in. Ahh! Surprise! My group have organised a free breakfast, how nice of them!

From my point of view, as i came into the room that day, there was a flurry of activity around the breakfast spread. In my opinion there were only a few more than usual who turned up, but the atmosphere was great and those who turned up seemed to appreciate the efforts.
We later worked out that it would cost approximately £1 a week per student to run a basic breakfast at little/no profit and could feasibly work in bringing others in earlier. So the final question was "Would you be willing to pay £1 a week for breakfast at college?". Most were very positive about this and it could actually work.

David Gasi was the winner

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Man On Fire

The Dice Man. Its a cool title. But its an odd book to read. To be fair its not my kind of thing simply because I'm not into reading anything that has certain explicit material in it (considering the book was banned in several countries due to its subversive nature and chapters dealing with issues of rape, murder and sexual experimentation) and right from the offset it obvious this book is aimed at adults. However i gave it a try. I got bored after 50 pages. The premise of the book though is an interesting one, a man who lives his life by the roll of a dice. it has been "noted for its subversivity, anti-psychiatry sentiments and for reflecting moods of the early 1970s'. I might test the whole live life by a dice thing, but I'm obviously not going to try rape or murder and considering i dont do much interesting nowadays the results will be far from number 1 bestseller material.

Luke Rhinehart. Apparently.

There is actually a cult in America (where else) where people live there lives by rolling dice, and they worship the dice and such ideologies as chance.

Monday, 15 December 2008


What if....
well i don't really know cos i was ill. And not in. But i'll get the update from my team and let you know. Deal?

Shine A Light

Friday, 5 December 2008

Thursday, 4 December 2008

One Hour Photo

After the 100 photos came my record of a journey to the train station. I also counted how many steps it took me to get to the station, then home again, then back and to college. Effectively it was a journey by numbers.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Saturday Night Fever

And here we are again, our fate in the hands of those who wist not what to do with us.

So The Beast as we shall now call him, was again lyrically spewing his wares over the unsuspected, but today he brought his cousin, She-Beast, and together they formed an indominable partnership.

The first hit swiftly (with an adjective), the other delivered a crushing blow to the psyche (a verb!), and the two together were fearsome in their attack. Linking verb and adj, using only the coloured paper we had come to find little solace in, an image was created to satisfy the two. I was given "charming dancer". What. The. Chuff.
Working with pop culture references and a love of film, i devised a strategy - John Travolta doing his moves his crazy dance moves. Both dancing and charming. Brilliant!

And here's one everyone else made earlier. Its not as easy as it looks at first, and some of the more successful ones are easier to spot (take bottom front, beautiful scream) but others are a little harder to interperet even once you know the creators intended words!

Then comes the little furry animals awww. Now its verb plus bear. As in the animal. Not the other one. I got scared. And my word was scared too. Coincidence? I think not.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Deep Blue Sea

Open Questions

Closed Questions

Monday, 3 November 2008

Children Of The Corn

Visual language. How we love it. Its like being 5 again.. "here's some pretty paper, go crazy with your plastic scissors and fishy glue". Good times.

Obviously there's more to it than that now we're 'proper adults'. For this we had to take a line (self-interpreted), a square )a little more obvious) and a letterform cut from brightly coloured pieces of paper and arrange them on an A5 square of, yup, coloured paper. Except there was one more thing... THE RANDOMISER!!!!!!

Spitting vocabulary like a 14 year old Harlem gangsta, the Randomiser in one move destroyed the simplicity of what could have been a lovely afternoon of fun and giggles and made us actually use our head, and our brains and our minds. AS you can guess (which is the point really) my word was MIRROR.

I think i adequately captured the essence of my word in my work. Don't agree? Well ceck out everybody elses. Yeah. Aha. Not much better hey. But overall i think it was a success. The challenge didn't stop there though, oh no.

Try shaping "party". Do it. Or "open". But i did it. Yessir i did.

Can't for the life in me remember what this one was though. Must've been a goodie though, as per usual.