Thursday, 20 November 2008

Saturday Night Fever

And here we are again, our fate in the hands of those who wist not what to do with us.

So The Beast as we shall now call him, was again lyrically spewing his wares over the unsuspected, but today he brought his cousin, She-Beast, and together they formed an indominable partnership.

The first hit swiftly (with an adjective), the other delivered a crushing blow to the psyche (a verb!), and the two together were fearsome in their attack. Linking verb and adj, using only the coloured paper we had come to find little solace in, an image was created to satisfy the two. I was given "charming dancer". What. The. Chuff.
Working with pop culture references and a love of film, i devised a strategy - John Travolta doing his moves his crazy dance moves. Both dancing and charming. Brilliant!

And here's one everyone else made earlier. Its not as easy as it looks at first, and some of the more successful ones are easier to spot (take bottom front, beautiful scream) but others are a little harder to interperet even once you know the creators intended words!

Then comes the little furry animals awww. Now its verb plus bear. As in the animal. Not the other one. I got scared. And my word was scared too. Coincidence? I think not.

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